Sunday, December 2, 2007

Instant Gratification Socks II

Based on what I learned from my first pair of socks, I've decided to try a toe-up sock with a gusset heel. I'm using Judy Becker's Magic Cast-on with 24 sts (12 x 12) and then following Wendy's instructions for toe-up socks with a gusset heel that promises no stitches to pick-up. I have to admit, reading the pattern, I'm totally confused as to how this is going to work.

As I'm sure you've begun to suspect, I'm afraid of turned heels. Now, I did sucessfully execute a Sherman Short Row Heel, but I still get the willies when I think about it. I'm not sure why I even attempted the SSRH. It's not like "knit encroachment" and "purl encroachment" are less offensive than "wrap and turn" and all of the other turned-heel vulgarities.

I have high hopes for this pattern.


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