Monday, December 10, 2007

Blog Envy...I'm Over It

As much as I hate to admit it, I'm suffering from blog envy. As I read the various blogs I've stumbled across in my adventures, I find myself wondering about the HTML as much as the showcased projects. I'd really like to have a three-column blog...time to modify the stock template. Gee, I like that color combination...wonder what the hex color values are. So many cool features and ideas out there. I guess I'm going to have to start reading the code as well as the blog and then sit down and fix this thing to my satisfaction. Perhaps it is because I've supplemented my income building Websites that I feel kind of inadequate using the stock template. But, hey, wait a minute. This is a knitting blog, not part of my portfolio. It's about what I knit, not how I code. It's for my enjoyment, not my income. To hell with it! I'm going to go knit.

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